With Rose Ramsay (5Rhythms) and Tilla Brook (Life Coach)
In this worksop Tilla and I (Rose) will be weaving together 5Rhythms dancing and creative, arty play; we'll be saying our goodbyes to 2017 and beginning to plan our intentions for the coming new year. This will be a messy, fun and energetic weekend. We'll dance wildly, make art together and create our own 'vision boards', a visual and creative expression of our hopes and dreams for the next cycle.
I will lead the 5Rhythms dancing and movement meditation, and Tilla will hold space for and encourage the inner creative spirit to find his or her courage to dream the dream and play with the inner artist. No art or dancing experience needed; we are all born dancers and artists, so come and let them find their freedom this weekend.
A dancer from Harvest's End in 2016 said: 'Wow! Dancing AND creating your own vision board - what a fabulous combination! I couldn't wait to attend last years and it was truly amazing. Rose and Tilla took us through a magnificent, life enhancing event that has stayed in my mind ever since - so I;m in the queue t join them again this year. Everyone should come'!
Price £60 including art materials (£50 concessions). If money is a barrier please get in contact with Rose by 3rd Nov to find out about possible exchanges.