The Unknown is our Source, where we come from – The Creator, orLife itself.
It is what holds us, whatever happens. It is where we rest, where we findbalance and harmony. It is the feeling, the essence of nature. The more we consciously connect with “The Unknown” the more we have a sense ofbeing home, even if we do not know what it is. This weekend we will create a space together to connect with our source and bewith our source even when we relate and dance together.
The 5 Rhythms practice is perfect for this since it is based on following thenatural way energy moves in all living beings and processes.The 5 Rhythmspractice creates the space and freedom for us to open up, to see, to meet, torelease whatever we hold within that needs to be embraced, loved or let go of.This way of dancing allows us to come in contact with our true power, togenerate our life force energy from the source and to celebrate who we trulyare, each and every one of us a unique beautiful Being.
Friday 19:00 -21.30
Saturday 10.30 -17.30 (incl. lunchbreak)
Sunday 10.30 -17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)
Friday only €25 (payment at door)
Fri -Sun €170*
All prices include VAT.
* Early Bird €150 valid until December 23