Ich freue mich auf dich!
The medicine wheel of the 5 Rhythms will serve as our framework in these days - connecting us with our primal forces.
Flowing: Earth, the primordial mother who carries, holds, nourishes and provides us with a sense of security.
Staccato: Our fire power, our heartbeat, the pulsating life energy that seeks ways of expression.
Chaos: The cleansing force of a waterfall, letting go of unnatural burdens, transformation.
Lyrical: Wind, ait that uplifts us and gives us a glimpse of our inner freedom.
Stillness: Ether, when all forces unite and becone ONE - then deep peace spreads within us.
WIEVIEL: Seminarkosten 300€, 270€ Früchbucherrabatt bis 1. Mai 2025
When: Thursday, July 3, 2025, from 6 pm for shared dinner until Sunday, July 6, 2025, around 2.30 pm, after luch.
Where: Seminarhotel Seidenbuch, Buchenstraße 17, 64678 Lindenfels. Registration directly through the seminarhouse.
Dance Seminar Registration: Register vis this link:
Cost: Seminar fee €300, early bird discount €270 until May 1.