
5Rhythms Workshop

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"ENOUGH" - Zagreb

Heartbeat, Waves
27 Jun 2025 - 29 Jun 2025
Location: Češki Dom, Šubićeva 20
Zagreb, Croatia Show map
Organizer: Mirela

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“I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?“ VINCENT VAN GOGH

This workshop explores and challenges the societal forces that manufacture compare-despair & discontent. It aims to restore our sense of having, doing, giving and simply being enough.

We investigate Enough with 2 different perspectives: David using the language of Waves, our physical exploration and Meredith offering Heartbeat, the emotional map of the 5Rhythms. Both investigating our experience of lack, jealousy, overwhelm, distraction and avoidance, all the way through to a sense of enough. Breathing life into places where we get stuck in either not enough, too much and everything in between.

Taking inspiration from Van Gogh’s words, we’ll reclaim our true creative nature. With music, movement, poetry, space and silence we’ll cultivate individual and collective appreciation of what is quite simply… enough. 


Prerequisites: minimum 10 hours of Waves with an accredited 5Rhythms teacher

This workshop counts as 1 day of Waves and 1,5 days of Heartbeat towards the Teacher Training.

Workshop is led in English with translation into Croatian if and when needed.

Dates and Times:

Friday 27.06. 19-21:30h

Saturday 28.06. 11-18h

Sunday 29.06. 10:30-17h 


Early booking price until 05.10. is 170 Euro. Full price is 210 Euro. Working team price is 100 Euro.

Registrations with non-refundable deposit of 70 Euro.

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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