Eden - Paradise - striving for divinity
Man and women living in harmony with nature and everything around.
What can we do today so that at least a part of this quality could exist in our life?
Who are you?
What roles in your life you want to cope with, and which ones you reject?
Boy, girl, man, women, daughter, son, father, mother, grandmother...
These and other questions concerning our human condition, relations with surrounding world and relationship with living nature, you will be asking yourself during this workshop.
We will use this simple and incredible map, which 5Rhythms practice is, to answer these question through our body, breath and movement.
We encourage you to look on our life as a part of divine plan, to see it's perfection. Because Universe wants our existence right here right now.
We will work in two stages. Two days: women with Asia and mans with Marc and then two days everyone together.
We have met at the Heartbeat training in California three years ago. First we were looking at each other warily like two wild cats, and then someday when we started talking we just couldn't stop. Our meetings are fulfilled with kindness, humor, huge joy of creation and from all of that came an idea of leading workshop together!
I Early bird price- before 1 August= 170 Euro
II Early bird price - before 1 September= 200 Euro
Regular price = 230 Euro