Dancing the 5Rhythms (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness), we move through a Wave that mirrors the way energy moves and changes in the world. We begin slow and gentle, let our movements become more vigorous as we build to a peak of release, then we follow the ripples of our dance until it settles into a still and meditative place.
In this workshop we will practice the art of being fully alive in the present moment, to all that moves through us, awakening and expressing the full spectrum of our creative, vibrant, unique selves. Together we will explore the foundations of 5Rhythms, and dive deep into our own dance, supported by diverse musical maps of funky grooves, soulful melodies, big thumping tribal beats, and meditative soundscapes. Come follow body, breath, and beat into the sacred with a tribe of other dancing seekers. Come reSource, come release, come ride the Wave!
All movement experience welcome.
At Big Heart, we welcome you to experience embodying your full creative self in a safe, supportive and playful environment.
A wide array of dance, yoga, music, and other healing arts modalities are shared through playshops and evening events.
Big Heart Dance Camp takes place at Unicamp, near Honeywood, Ontario. Beautiful hiking trails, forest, and a swimming pond invites you to take a dip.
Meals are eaten in community, lovingly and mindfully prepared by our kitchen team.
We invite you to join us in growing our creative, conscious community as we blossom into our 8th year!