Dancing With Ganesh
Yoga Soup invites you to join a 5Rhythms® workshop focused on removing obstacles in your life, transforming limitations and dancing
your creative passion as you expand your movement vocabulary.
How can we utilize our dance to shift patterns and processes that govern
our everyday dance? We’ll connect to self and source with breath,
embodied movement and exercises that unify our intentions.
You can transform your life with this work.
The workshop begins with the Dance Tribe First Friday, and continues
at Yoga Soup. Payment for each $15 for Dance Tribe
and $80 for 6 hours Saturday (early payment $70)
Friday: Gustafson Dance Studio 2285 Las Positas Road Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Saturday: Yoga Soup 28 Parker Way Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Jo Cobbett has been teaching in Los Angeles and globally for 20 years
You can join her Sundays in Culver City or explore her invitations
at www.movinground.com
TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE contact YOGA SOUP Phone: 805-965-8811 yogasoup.com
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.