This is the Rhythm we call Lyrical and we experience it because we have been focused, sincere and whole as we moved through the previous Rhythms, Flowing, where we connected with our inner voice, Staccato, where we said yes and Chaos, where we let go of the outcome.
Then when we have allowed ourselves to enjoy the release and lightness of Lyrical, we are flooded with stillness. Deep and nourishing stillness.
This one day workshop, with Sigurborg Kr. Hannesdottir, accredited 5Rhythms teacher, is dedicated to Lyrical and lightness, in dance and in life.
The 5Rhythms dance, created by Gabrielle Roth, loosens up your body, stills the mind and opens your deeper senses. The 5Rhythms, already inherent in all of us, create a wave. As life energy itself moves. It is a dance that is not about steps and a particular form, but nevertheless on a clear focus on different ways to find and express each Rhythm through breath and movement.
SIGURBORG KR. HANNESDOTTIR completed 5Rhythms teacher training in 2008, with Gabrielle Roth, who created the 5Rhythms. In the dance she found her spiritual path, through the body. She has wide experience as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, storyteller and life coach and a consultant in the field of public participation. Sigurborg has been teaching in different fields for decades and feels very much at home when working with groups. As a teacher, to quote some of her students, she has warmth, gentleness, sensitivity, joy and trust. She guides her groups beautifully in a combination of flow and clarity.