
5Rhythms Workshop

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Coming Together

7 Dec 2018 - 9 Dec 2018
Location: Copenhagen, --
Copenhagen, Denmark Show map
Organizer: Mona Edwertz

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 A 5Rhythms® Waves/Heartbeat ongoing group

practicing resilience and authentic connection with self, others and life.

Being a human, having a body with a heart and a soul in a world of changes, challenges, differences and possibilities, we are all being called on to find our inner self, path and truth.

How do we nourish our inner ground? How do we stay rooted in our center and yet flexible, honest, open and curious to the world around us?

Drifting away, getting lost and falling out of center is a part of the human experience. There is an ongoing dance to cultivate and explore how to find our way back to our own inner connection. This dance is essential to practice together, in the company of other human beings, in a moving tribe.

In this 5Rhythms® ongoing group we will investigate and navigate through both the Waves and the Heartbeat map to explore and experience tools and resources to stay centered in all the 5Rhythms®, with our emotions and with each other. The purpose is to practice and build resilience and authentic connections.

During this journey we will use and deepen the trust of our own two feet and body, the power, guidance and expression of our emotional intelligence, our creative capacity of mindfulness, the celebration of each others unique differences and the healing unity of our spirits.

Join us in this ongoing group with 2 teachers, from 2 countries, inviting you to 1 dance floor for 4 weekends during 6 months.

We are excited to offer this opportunity for our ongoing group, to dance both in Sweden and Denmark.



11-14 Oct -18, Röstånga, Sweden

7-9 Dec -18, Copenhagen,

1-3 Feb -19, Stockholm,

12-14 April -19, Copenhagen

INVESTMENT: early bird price when register before 31 aug 1.140 €.

Full price 1.210 €.

Part payment possible.

TO REGISTER: e-mail Mona at info@bodymoves.se and pay your 

booking fee 245 €.

Read more about Jonas www.bodymoves.se

and Birgitte www.dans5rytmer.dk

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Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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