Where is our real home? The home which is always with us, which supports us every time we need it? When do we experience the feeling of arriving home? Can we spend enouggh time there? Can we create this feeling or is it just happening by chance from time to time?
On this retreat we will explore our real home, the one which can be found inside. We will use the movement map of Gabrielle Roth to find this home, the healing room. We all have this place in us and if we pay attention to it then it can come alive. We can find there our life energy, the source which is always available and which can always nourish us. We can find our moving center.
No previous experience is needed. Everybody is welcome.
Early booking price before 15 September: €130, with a non refundable deposit of €20
If you bring your life partner he/she can participate for half price.
Accommodation: it is possible to sleep in the school building for €5/person/night, or we can help you find a bed in the village.
Reduced price for participants from Roumania, Serbia, Slovakia: €90 (early booking before 15 September: €70, with a non refundable deposit of €20)
It is possible to sign up for the meals we order. We will inform you about the details if you write us or if you register.