This workshop is for everybody, who loves to dance and no special experiences is needed. All adults are welcome. Many yoga teachers find great inspiration in the free dance practive of the 5Rhythms, as 5Rhythms dancers find inspiration in the yoga practive. In the workshop you will get a deep insight in the 5Rhythms and get to know each rhythm and your relation to the rhythms. Inspiration is my teacher Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) and her book 'Connections - 5threads to intuitive wisdom': "to fully realise our intuitive abilities we need to be instinctive, intimate, imaginative, integral, and inspired. Each of these energies is a facet of intuition, our connection to the divine force that moves all things.'
Saturday: 9.30AM - 12.30 PM & 14.30PM-17.30PM
Sunday: 9.30AM - 12.30PM & 14.30PM - 17.30PM
all 3 days 12,000LKR (14,5hrs)
only Sat & Sun: 10,000LKR (12 hours)
only sat or sun: 6.000LKR (6 hrs)
only Friday: 2,800LKR (2,5hrs)