Finding refuge in this physical body is what this workshop invites and authorizes us to do, and the practice of the 5 Rhythms will support us with embodiment.Exploring the body as the foundation for connection to self and the world.
Emphasizing the feet and lower body to create a sense of rootedness.
Flowing into the idea of being “at home” wherever we are.Embracing the body as a unique vessel for our truth.
Staccato: Finding clarity and boundaries within our movement, expressing our inner voice through the body.
Letting go of patterns, tensions, or stories that make the body feel unsafe.
Chaos: Shaking off what doesn’t serve to return to our true essence.
Rediscovering joy, freedom, and play within your body.
Lyrical: Allowing movement to become light and expansive, embodying ease and wonder.
Returning home to the breath and heart.
Stillness: Finding peace within, a quiet inner sanctuary where the body holds wisdom.