A Dance weekend in the 5Rhythms® Movement practice
with Jonas Klingberg (Sweden).
Moving through the 5Rhythms® map we allow ourselves to relax and surrender to the landscape of each rhythm, supporting us to trust, rely and listen to the flow and connection to our inherent BodyWisdom.
Movement is communication and carries information of our own physical intelligence. With an open attention to the flow in our dance we allow our Intuition, Instincts and Inspiration directly speak to us.
This weekend is an opportunity for you to Experience, Express and Embody the flow of your breath, the memories of your muscles and your souls desire.
Take time and space for what is. Embrace the deep wisdom of your own body and allow yourself to be moved by the poetry of the present moment.
DATES: 23-25 October
LOCATION: Blackis, Skepparegatan, Luleå, Sweden
TIMES: Fri 18.30-21, Sat 11-18, Sun 11-17
PRICE: Fri only 400 SEK, full weekend 1950 SEK, Sat-Sun 1700 SEK
REGISTER: Email to Booking fee 900 SEK to BG 216-0968. Last day to register 1 October.
PAYMENT from abroad: IBAN: SE16 5000 0000 0510 8102 5255 Bic/swift: ESSESESS Bank: SEB Account holder: Mona Edwertz
PRACTICAL INFO: or +46709–240 997.
A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.