The dancer . . .
Domain: Eukarya. Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Subphylum: Vertebrata. Class: Mammalia. Order: Primates. Family: Hominidae. Genus: Homo.
Species: H. Sapiens.
My inbreath is the outbreath of trees. My outbreath is the inbreath of trees.
This life is infintely, exquisitely beautiful and mysterious. You and I came to be through billions of years of successful accidents; through the dance of countless interactions with the animate and the inanimate.
Somewhere along the way, we lost touch. We forgot that we are animals. “Nature” became something out there and we created a million different ways of separating ourselves. But, whatever is going on in our Headworlds, our bodies remember. When we allow them their movement, when we dance, we return to our primal, instinctive, intuitive self. We remember that we are beasts. We become fully ourselves. We can know the awe, ecstasy and humility of our own place in the bigger dance. It makes day to day life a lot easier!
This 5Rhythms weekend isn’t about being in nature, it is about being nature. We are moving on the Yorkshire Coast, just North of Scarborough. Dancing with the earth, with the woods, close to the sea and on a gorgeous dance floor. Camping surrounded by all the teachers of the meadows, hedgerows, moors and shore - and, of course, the teachers we find in ourselves and each other. There are plenty of other options for non-campers.
We will be spending time outdoors whatever the weather.
The dance is facilitated by Chris Boylan, a Waves and Heartbeat accredited 5Rhythms teacher. He lives on the Yorkshire Coast and loves it so much that it sometimes hurts. This is an invitation to his home.
7.30pm Friday June 7th - 5.30pm Sunday June 9th
Cost £90 before May 27th £105 after. Some concessions on application. £35 deposit secures your place. £10ppn camping. Bookings via ticketing link: Enquiries: 07986654356