Befriending Your Heart is an opportunity to explore and investigate the ways that emotionshave taken shape in our bodies using the practice of the 5 Rhythms®.This workshop can help us develop a mindfulness practice to help improve ourability to handle different emotions well. We can begin to move from a placewhere our feelings create pain, paralysis and depression to one where we seeour feelings as our allies on our journey to living a more creative andwholehearted life.
Experience of the 5 Rhythms® is essential to participatein this workshop.
Venue: The Carlton Hall,Shelmartin Avenue, Marino, Dublin. Date: October20th – 22nd
Time: Friday 6.00-9.30 pm, Sat10.30 -6.00pm, Sun 10.30-5.00pm
Cost: €130 Special Offer €110 if paid in Full by October 6th
To Book: Send Payment to Caitríona NicGhiollaphádraig, Finisglen, Recess, Co. Galway.Please make all cheques payable Deora Dé or pay online by PayPal on
Cancellation policy: The deposit €50 is non-refundable and non-transferable in all cases,unless a workshop has to be cancelled.