Times: 11.30am- 5.30pm Saturday, 12.30pm - 5pm Sunday
A weekend exploring the 5Rhythms, going deeper, wider and higher than ispossible in a 2-hour class! Time to dive into the wonderand mystery of the 5Rhythms practice, surfing the Wave after Waveof Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. When GabrielleRoth named the 5 Rhythms, she created a map and a method of working withenergy that transforms inertia, rigidity and confusion into grounded,focused, fluid presence. And in this weekend workshop we’llembody this transformation through our dance and movement.
This workshop is suitable for dancers who are thirsty for a deeper dance,who are curious about ways into and out of each of the Rhythms and wholong to luxuriate in a whole weekend of exploring the depth and simplicity ofWaves practice. Suitable for both experienced dancers and newcomers longing todeepen their dance (if completely new to 5Rhythms, please have a chat with mebefore booking).
Price: £55 (concessions £45). To book your place contact me (Rose) on07795253817 or by email at karenramsay1@mac.com.