The Holy Actor
A 5 Rhythms retreat
“I have noticed a remarkable shift in me since the workshop: I am able to love myself, to give my attention unconditionally to others, and to lose myself easily. Such profound transformation”
“Letting the dance, each unfolding moment, all of everything flow through me: I’m so grateful to taste this true experience of being fully alive”
“Wonderful, healing, joyful and loving!
The Holy Actor is the most extraordinary workshop I’ve ever been to”
Take some time for yourself: relax, breathe deep, and make space for your soul to soar.
Staying at a vintage New England retreat center on the Atlantic shore, we will create a supportive community for rich, healing work. Together we’ll dance the 5 Rhythms, explore the landscape of our hearts, and improvise wordless theatre, offering ourselves to the universal stories that are waiting to be told. We'll open to connect more deeply to our creative, heartful self: not so much a solid, definite personality.. more a fluid range of possibility, full of life.
The Holy Actor is a joyful, challenging, and healing journey in search of inspired transformation. It’s a practice in possibility ~ being truly alive in each moment, willing to show up and respond, with courage and with curiosity, without needing to know how it will all turn out, trusting your instinct to take the next step.
It’s a practice in being human ~ in being alive, in meeting deeply. It’s a celebration of creativity, and the willingness to feel, and serve, and connect. It’s a practical course in freedom, and the infinite possibility of your soul. It’s serious fun, and sacred play, and about as good as it gets.
Will you join us?
Join us on Saturday, April 12, from 3-6 PM as we welcome beloved 5Rhythms teacher Ann Kite back to Summit for the return of Aries Waves — a three-hour extended dance that invites us to move with the bold, fiery energy of Aries season.
Ruled by Mars, Aries is the spark that ignites passion, fuels courage, and urges us to step forward into the unknown. Just like the spring, this dance will be about fresh starts, fearless action, and renewed vitality.