
5Rhythms Teachers

"Body... Breath... Rhythm...
If I can truly commit my experience to these natural, ever-present phenomena, I have learned that movement, change and liberation will surely follow... "
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Christian de Sousa

Certified 5Rhythms Teacher

I started dancing clandestinely in my bedroom as a teenager, before discovering the twin movement pathways of raving and Tai Chi. Coming across the 5Rhythms in 1998, I felt like I had come home. I learned the practice intensively with Gabrielle Roth, Ya'Acov & Susannah Darling Khan and Alain Allard, among others, eventually training with Gabrielle in 2004-05.

I have also studied and some cases trained in: Movement Medicine, Amerta (the movement work of Suprapto Suyodarmo, aka Prapto) Processwork/Worldwork, Taoism and various threads of shamanic practice (with Malidoma Somé, Chris Luttichau and others, currently Daniel Foor) - all the while remaining very much a teacher and deep explorer of the Rhythms as my core practice and life-support system. 

I was founder of the dancingTao collective & movement community in London, which grew and thrived in the 10 years to 2020, and spawned or was linked to projects like the Ecstasy Radio podcast, Rhythm Village festival, the eco-activist Earthdreamers collective and the international All In Movement project on conscious dance and social inclusion.

I was born in Switzerland and have lived in England most of my life, and teaching mainly in larger cities and mountains or hills. I'm also a DJ, artist, radio broadcaster, Dad and occasional activist.

Maps: Waves
Location: London, United Kingdom
Dancing since: 1998 Teaching since: 2004
Languages: English, French

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25 Mar 2025
London, United Kingdom


5 Jul 2025 - 6 Jul 2025
Totnes, United Kingdom
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