We are thrilled to present the new album: Transitions, by Avital Califa Inspired by the 5Rhythms, this percussive album will take you through an entire Wave, as it transitions between one rhythm to …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, Conscious Dance, ecstatic dance, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Raven, Raven Recordings, Staccato, Stillness“When your world falls apart and you’re left with just yourself, you’re forced to discover who you are without all the beliefs, expectations, views, & self-image provided by some teacher …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5RTA, Chaos, Conscious Dance, Cycles, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Gestalt Therapy, God Sex and the Body, Heartbeat, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Maps to Ecstasy, Medicine Dance, meditation, MIrrors, moving meditation, New York City, Open floor, Raven, Raven Recordings, ritual theater, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, Teacher Training, The Moving Center, the moving center school, The Naked Soul, Tribal Mirrors, WavesApril 2014 5RTA Teacher Spotlight Jewel Mathieson, USA teaching since 1987 & Deva Nandan, Australia teaching since 2000.
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5RTA, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, Deva Nandan, ecstatic dance, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Jewel Mathieson, Lyrical, Medicine Dance, meditation, moving meditation, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, The Moving Center, the moving center school, WavesNeil Pinnock, United Kingdom, Teaching Since 2008. My home rhythm is Lyrical, I love the release and freedom that I can inhabit as my body… Jonathan Horan, United States, Teaching …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5RTA, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Medicine Dance, meditation, moving meditation, Neil Pinnock, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, The Moving Center, the moving center school, WavesEvangelos Diavolitsis, Canada – My home rhythm has shifted a few times over 15 years. Right now my home Rhythm is Staccato. I love the clarity, the exactitude of it, …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5RTA, Amala Petra Storm, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Evagelos Diavolitsis, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Lyrical, Medicine Dance, meditation, moving meditation, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, The Moving Center, the moving center school, Waves