by Alexander Litvak, New York City, USA Veterans, especially ones with service-connected injuries, are notoriously resistant to and skeptical of alternative health practices like Yoga and Dance. Although these have …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, alexander litvak, alternative healing, dance, feminine, Healing, macho, marines, masculine, meditation, military, ptsd, toxic masculinity, veterans, war, yogaby Mona Abu Rayyan, Jordan I can’t seem to write about the dance. It’s so strange. Because it’s all whirling in my head, the words. I can’t put them down …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, dance, Darkness, dervish, jonathan horan, Jordan, meditation, Mona Abu Rayyan, mystery, nycI come from a lineage of warriors and healers from Laos, Vietnam and France. They are in my cells, my DNA, and my dance.
TAGS: 1440 multiversity, 5Rhythms, 5rhythms teachers associaiton, 5RTA, Ancestors, france, gabrielle roth, Heartbeat, Marc Silvestre, meditation, rome, Santa Cruz, Sylvie Minot, WavesI started in a squat, deep in the hips, stretching the inner thighs, feet and calves, rotating and staying low. I soon found my way to the ground, where I continued to stretch and coil, rolling over the fronts of my shoulders, the back of my head, and through the hips, moving from my stomach to my back over and over in a wide circle. Staccato arrived more quickly than I expected, and…
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, Chaos, Conscious Dance, five rhythms, gabrielle roth, meditation, Meghan LeBorious, moving meditation, sweat your prayersI come from the Dominican Republic, where we are born dancing, and dancing is at the core of our everyday life. And I have been practicing various forms of Conscious Movement for the last seven years. However, 5
TAGS: 5Rhythms, catherine llewynn, dance movement therapy, dominican, ecstatic dance, feet first5, gabrielle roth, meditation, movement medicine, osho, pure prayer, ray diaz, ritual, The Moving Center, the moving center school, tribal heartBy Morag Donnelly, United Kingdom The altar: the poem on the wall with red threads of chysallis Close up of the altar Goose feathers from the drawing class Morag runs, …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, Altar, art, dancing, meditation, morag Donnelly, movement medicine, One Tribe, Open floor, phoenix, poetry in motion, therapy, united kingdom