Just keep practicing, I told myself. If I practice with devotion, if I am relentless in interrogating the stories that limit me, and if I stay connected to raw, unfiltered presence, things will shift radically and this foot pain won’t be such a big deal. Some days, I winced through every step, but still managed to find freedom and inspiration. I even saw the pain as helpful, in that it brought me right into my feet and into the body.
After the “Elemental” workshop in April, my feet got still worse. It would have been difficult to spot, as I still swooped and soared, but I knew I had to seek help, not just hope that enlightenment would eventually free me. A friend suggested I visit an orthopedic doctor who specializes in working with extreme athletes.
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, Conscious Dance, Flowing, gabrielle roth, heel spurs, moving meditationThey have become my navigation map. My GPS to go through all the challenges of being alive. This decade has been full on for me, changes, losses, ups, downs, contractions and expansions. Figuring out who I am and what I´m doing here, taking in so much
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, Chaos, Flowing, gabrielle roth, irene hernandez sanchez, Lyrical, one dance tribe, One Tribe, reset, sara cereghetti, spain, Staccato, Stillness, switerland, totemsI started in a squat, deep in the hips, stretching the inner thighs, feet and calves, rotating and staying low. I soon found my way to the ground, where I continued to stretch and coil, rolling over the fronts of my shoulders, the back of my head, and through the hips, moving from my stomach to my back over and over in a wide circle. Staccato arrived more quickly than I expected, and…
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, Chaos, Conscious Dance, five rhythms, gabrielle roth, meditation, Meghan LeBorious, moving meditation, sweat your prayersI come from the Dominican Republic, where we are born dancing, and dancing is at the core of our everyday life. And I have been practicing various forms of Conscious Movement for the last seven years. However, 5
TAGS: 5Rhythms, catherine llewynn, dance movement therapy, dominican, ecstatic dance, feet first5, gabrielle roth, meditation, movement medicine, osho, pure prayer, ray diaz, ritual, The Moving Center, the moving center school, tribal heartby Eliza Bouwens, United Kingdom
TAGS: 5Rhythms, art, art in motion, children, children's books, creativity, Eliza Bowens, fairytale, gabrielle roth, Healing, Kids, movement, moving fairytale, Once upon a time, Open floor, therapy, united kingdom