“We can’t bring Dad home for Thanksgiving,” Mom texts. It’s the first year Dad won’t be home for Thanksgiving. My Dad has Alzheimer’s. I moved him into the locked unit a year and a half ago. Mom just couldn’t.
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, ann kite, bethesda, death, father, gabrielle roth, Heartbeat, meditation, Mirjam van Hasselt, movement medicine, netherlands, new years, One Tribe, Open floor, Sanctuary, The Moving Center, Urban dance retreatGabrielle’s mantra to “move the body in order to heal the psyche” was a revelation for me. I became fascinated with how the moving body was intimately interconnected with the emotional and spiritual aspects of our “being”. I dove
TAGS: 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, bella dreizler, gabrielle roth, Marcia Wakarchuk Jones, movement medicine, Open floor, physical therapy, resource, the moving center school, therapyLiving in a foreign country for several years now I keep learning to listen, to feel a little more in order to find my own roots and to let them anchor in this land of Croatia which I get to know better and better. Find my solid base and move with it.
TAGS: 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, Alessandro Moruzzi, Chaos, dance, ether, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Lyrical, Moscow, Open floor, Peru, Russia, San Francisco, Staccato, Stillness, The Moving Center, the moving center school, Thierry Francois, Vehllia TranneThey have become my navigation map. My GPS to go through all the challenges of being alive. This decade has been full on for me, changes, losses, ups, downs, contractions and expansions. Figuring out who I am and what I´m doing here, taking in so much
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, Chaos, Flowing, gabrielle roth, irene hernandez sanchez, Lyrical, one dance tribe, One Tribe, reset, sara cereghetti, spain, Staccato, Stillness, switerland, totems1998, my left side of the body was 0 out of 10 level paralyzed by stroke. It was shocking, at the same time my curiosity for the body was huge. I spent time facing my body for 8 months. For the first 4 months, I was in wheel chair and taking physical therapy. Slowly re-developing my nerve.
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, Canada, Chantell Foss, Conscious Dance, ecstatic dance, Esalen, gabrielle roth, Japan, masayo benoist, meditation, movement medicine, Open floor, osaka, SpaceHolders, sweats, tokyo, Trust, Waves