
5Rhythms Workshop

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Wilderness of the Heart

Heartbeat, Waves
16 Aug 2024 - 18 Aug 2024
Location: St Mary's Hall, 57/31 Lyttleton St, Castlemaine VIC 3450
Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia Show map
Organizer: Moving Essence

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Between the head and the feet of any given person is a billion miles of unexplored wilderness.  Gabrielle Roth

The movement of the wild heart is a truly beautiful dance. This 5Rhythms Heartbeat Workshop will explore feelings as their raw natural elements.

As pure as a prowling lioness protecting her young (Fear - Flowing - Earth)

As radiant as a crackling vibrant bonfire (Anger - Staccato - Fire)

As turbulent as a free flowing waterfall (Sadness - Chaos - Water)

As majestic as a flock of Shearwaters soaring on the wind (Joy - Lyrical - Wind)

As still as Uluru and as spacious as Anangu country - the heart of central Australia (Compassion - Stillness - Ether)

Taking inspiration from the natural world, this is a dance workshop exploring the wild terrain of the Heart. 5Rhythms Heartbeat is a courageous and rich inquiry into our most fierce and loving nature.

Together, David and Meredith will weave together 5Rhythms movement practice. Meredith offers the 5Rhythms Heartbeat emotional map which she knows so well and David brings his sensitive ear to mixing Waves and some live music.


This workshop counts for 2 days of Heartbeat and 3 hours of Waves, pre-requisites for the 5Rhythms Teacher Training.

The Friday night is both the beginning of the workshop and is also open to dancers to have an one-night experience of 5Rhythms an overview of the content.  Plus a chance to spend an evening in the magical dancing community of Castlemaine.


$250 Tier 1

$275 Tier 2

$295 Tier 3

$325 Pay it forward

This workshop offers an allocation of tickets at different price points i.e. 'Tiers'.

We have a broad range of financial capacity in our community. Please reflect on what you are able to pay and choose accordingly.

If you need a reduced price to attend, please purchase Tier 1.

If you can afford a bit more, please choose from Tier 2 or 3.   There will be an allocation of tickets for each tier and the number of tickets remaining will display in the checkout below.

The ‘pay it forward’ tier invites members of our dance community to join us in subsidising a discount place or bursary for those in need.

Please write to us if you need a subsidised place to be able to attend.

We also recognise that the lowest price may be too much, so if you need to request a payment plan, price reduction or something else which will support your attendance please write to us with your request at 5Rhythms@movingessence.com.

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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