
5Rhythms Workshop

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The Medicine Of Attention

Led by: Erik Iversen
9 Mar 2018 - 11 Mar 2018
Location: Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49, 0366 Oslo, Norway
Oslo, Norway Show map
Organizer: Ingrid Brudevoll


The 5Rhythms movement meditation practice gives us permission to travel safely outside our daily experience of living and moving. In this experimental and innovative environment {laboratory} using our bodies to express creates the opportunity to slow down and rhythmically notice where we unconsciously or consciously put our attention. This workshop/playshop illuminates and shines light on presence, our sense of occupying a space in the moment.

What parts of our bodies do we ignore? What is efficient alignment? We can focus on ground, balance, imbalance, fear, breath, other people, love, space, energy. Through movement we can choose to cultivate excitement and play and to discover new choices to focus our awareness/attention.
By developing attention to appreciation of ourself and of others we feed connection instead of isolation , love instead of fear, creativity instead of inertia. Come and play and awaken new pathways of relationship to self and others.


About Erik Iversen (Canada):
I’ve been a 5Rhythms teacher, a reflexologist and a practitioner of Heller-work Structural Integration for 30 years. I’ve observed thousands of bodies, both in dancing and in the movement patterns I see in my Bodywork practice. From this platform of knowledge, I introduce the building blocks of movement through developmental explorations, core anatomy and structural integration. Once we have a whole sense of our bodies, I facilitate the pathway to enjoyable and expressive embodiment through sensorial discovery, creativity and play. 

"Each joint of the structural body holds a story, a memory; and as the dance of the 5Rhythms unfolds, the body, the bones and the muscles start to come together and create a coherent expression of the whole person."

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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