
5Rhythms Workshop

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Receiving Being

Led by: Tammy Burstein
11 May 2018 - 13 May 2018
Location: Zaccho Dance Theater, 1777 Yosemite Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124
San Francisco, California, United States Show map
Organizer: Alessandro Moruzzi


“In flowing we learn how to be sensitive to the flow of our unique energy, to follow it and be true to it, and to ground that energy in our bodies and in the body of the Great Mother, earth herself.”  -- Gabrielle Roth, Sweat Your Prayers

In this workshop we begin by simply receiving the medicine of continuous motion, starting with our feet, and revolving into the fullness of our being. Receiving the medicine of Flowing we let in the gift of being a centripetal force, a body moving in a circular path, directed toward the center around which that body is moving.  And in that endless circle we uncover, discover, and recover our genderless, soul-full-more feminine nature – receiving being a receiving being.

Join us as we step into the beginning, practicing Flowing from start to starting over, from beginning to beginning anew, from ground up to sacred ground.

“Flowing is more than a rhythm; it’s a specific energy field in which the feminine aspect of the soul is revealed in all its awesome beauty, fierce power, and animal magnetism.” – Gabrielle Roth, Sweat Your Prayers


Online Registration HERE

This workshop fulfills 15 hours of Waves credit towards Teacher Training prerequisites.

Dates / Times:
Friday 5/11         7:00pm - 9:30pm (open evening)
Saturday 5/12     11:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 5/13     12:00pm - 5:00pm

$210 Early Bird (if paid in full by April 15)
$245 Full Price (after April 15)

15% off Full Price for Student with valid ID, Senior (65+), and 5RTA Teacher. Limited Work Study and Scholarship options are available. Please contact us to register for this special rate.

Friday evening is an open class. You're welcomed to bring friends who might be interested, if they decide to join us for the full weekend, just add the difference to register. $35 prepay. $45 at the door. Student with valid ID / Senior (65+) and 5RTA Teacher $30 at the door.

Refund Policy

30 days in advance: $25 cancellation fee. 14 days in advance: $50 cancellation fee. No refunds can be issued less than 14 days from the start of a workshop.

The City Waves reserves the right to cancel any workshop in the event of insufficient registration or other unforeseen circumstances, in which case, the full amount paid to register for a workshop will be refunded to the registrants. In the event of cancellation, an attempt will be made to notify registrants no later than 10 calendar days before the start of the workshop. All other expenses incurred including but not limited to flights and accommodation arranged for the purpose of attending a workshop will not be covered.

Registration Policy

Drop In or Pre-Register


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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