Playing is vital for our development.
Lets create a playground in our dancing field.
While playing we are more adventurous, curious, light, explorative and
Isn;t that what we all are longing for?
Join us and have some fun while we dive deeper into the physical & emotional fundamentals of 5rhythms
5rhythms is a movement practice based on dance. This liberating form of
dancing knows the energetic wave as its fundamental base. It is healing for
your body, heart, mind and soul.
Jup Jansonius is a Dutch teacher living in Italy. She is certified to teach
waves/heartbeat and God,Sex & the Body. She combines her experience in
dance, art, theatre, yoga & TRE with social science and humor. Her ability to
shapeshift and her spontaneous way of being herself creates a safe playground
for you to explore your dance.
She teaches worldwide & online.