
5Rhythms Workshop

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Fluid Heart

Led by: Jason Rowe
25 May 2019 - 26 May 2019
Location: St Philips C of E Primary School, 2 Vinery Way, Cambridge CB1 3DR
Cambridge, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Nicky Smith


Feelings move us in a myriad of ways. Sometimes we block their power or question their relevance, and at other times we simply become numb. Our feelings are often associated with life’s stories. In the 5Rhythms Heartbeat map we move with the energy underneath these stories, giving plenty of space to the core emotions of Fear, Anger, Sadness, Joy and Compassion. In doing so we drop into our organic and natural way of being and empower ourselves to move with courage, forgiveness, surrender, generosityand be in service to world around us.Totally alive within a Fluid Heart.


Early bird is £120 if paid and registered before 10th May 2018, £150 thereafter. 5RTA members £120.

Workshop times are 11am to 6pm Saturday and 11am to 5pm Sunday.

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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