
5Rhythms Workshop

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Death can dance

Waves, Heartbeat
25 Oct 2025 - 26 Oct 2025
Location: De Waard van Kekerdom, Weverstraat 94, 6579 AG Kekerdom
Kekerdom, Netherlands Show map
Organizer: Caroline Van de Ven

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 An exciting workshop, dancing life and daring to dance with death... planned just before our gray, usually drizzly All Souls' Day and All Saints' Day...

From fascination with the Dia de los Muertos, the colorful and festive way in which Mexicans honor their dead, commemorate and celebrate the lives they have lived.

From fascination with how easy-going living and dying is for Tibetans and Nepalese and the huge difference with us Westerners; being so afraid of death, preferring to exclude death from life as much as possible, for as long as possible.

While dying is really the only certainty we have in life...

With the 5Rhythms, Gabrielle Roth gives us a wonderful opportunity to explore life and death in movement; dancing, wave after wave after wave after wave... over and over from flow, staccato, chaos and lyrical into stillness … ending... beginning, dying and being reborn, again and again.

We're going to dance with death being a part of us; investigating, clarifying, experimenting, playing, celebrating, honoring... giving both life and death a chance to be danced. A loving invitation to heal the unspoken, the unfelt, the unlived; learning to live from heart and soul in a deep trust that every day is a beautiful day to die.

To participate in this workshop, it is preferable that you have some experience dancing 5Rhythms: 10 waves with a 5RTA teacher and at least 1 Heartbeat weekend with a 5RTA teacher or workshop experience/year group experience with me.



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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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