Since 2001 the own teachers community has been growing and at the moment there are 16 teachers active in both French and Flemisch communities and their activities are complemented by another 10 international guest teachers who visit us regularly. Still open to a broad input from international teachers worldwide, many dancers from all over Europe and beyound have come along and added a special flavour, feeling at home in this community. What is has to offer : humbleness, grounded, friendly & heartful and diversity. Wherever you live in Belgium, whether you speak Dutch, French or English, within a one hour drive you can attend several classes around the week, and workshops of all levels, around the year.
Let’s gather to whisper and circle from the ground our rites of restoration.
Let’s stand and shout to rally the forces that revitalise our spirited dreams into creative realities.
Let’s surrender our bones to the beat that can hold it all and regenerate our faith in the mystery.
Let’s deliver our stories from the heart of the feet to resurrect the light and shadows that seep, shine and soars through us.
Let’s invite spirit to be our barometer and witness in this exploration and celebration of what it means to be soulfully revived.
Rooted in the Waves Map with live, interactive and in the moment explorations in a grounded container, and concentrated in 5Rhythms® Ritual Theatre perspectives Lorca and Chris will invoke this dynamic practice’s principal: If you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor. Setting your compass for the unpredictable come and be prepared for individual and collective fascination, radical unity and edgy grace.
Live Wire is an embodied ritual theatre investigation, grounded in the movement maps of 5Rhythms®, devoted to the shapeshifting nature of physical art, and guided by the vision of Lorca Simons and Gabrielle Roth. Designed to inspire, refresh, re-set and connect. Our time will include movement, creative excavations, collective truth-telling and beauty-making.
Vertragen in een overweldigende wereld
De snelheid van het dagelijks leven kan overweldigend zijn. Tijdens deze workshop nodigen we je uit om te vertragen in het ritme van flowing. Geef jezelf de ruimte om vrijer te ademen, diepe rust te vinden en steviger gegrond te staan in je eigen energie. Dit helpt je oude patronen los te laten en ruimte te maken voor vernieuwing.
Het ritme van verbinding
In staccato brengen we onze aandacht naar buiten. Dit ritme kan onzekerheid en angst naar boven brengen, maar juist door hiermee in verbinding te gaan, leer je je schaduwkanten kennen. Je ontdekt hoe je deze kunt omarmen, waardoor je stress en onzekerheid loslaat.
Een ontspannen afsluiting
We sluiten de dansdag af met een ligmeditatie, begeleid door prachtige live muziek van Clara Cornil. Deze ontspannen afsluiting helpt je de inzichten van de dag te integreren en versterkt je gevoel van rust en verbondenheid.