
5RTA | October Teacher Spotlight

For me, every one of us is actually a fruit of Chaos’s creativity, a unique union of opposites. When we resist Chaos, this natural phenomenon, and when we stubbornly try to control it, we can end up destroying ourselves and those around us or driving both us and them mad. Chaos demands that we completely surrender to it, that we throw in its powerful alchemist process all that we carry on our backs, shoulders, in our hearts and hips, all that we cling to and hold so tigh

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5Rhythms Tribe | To the Beat of the Drum We Travel On

by Irene Hernández Sánchez, Spain “To the beat of the drum we travel on Courageous we sail into the storm Singing our song and feeling strong On a voyage to …

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5RTA | July Teacher Spotlight

They have become my navigation map. My GPS to go through all the challenges of being alive. This decade has been full on for me, changes, losses, ups, downs, contractions and expansions. Figuring out who I am and what I´m doing here, taking in so much

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