by Sue Sutherland, United Kingdom | Chronic pain sufferer, dancer, listener, truthsayer, tree hugger, skyclad howler, probably a witch and definitely a lover In the last couple of days, …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, Dancing Tao, dancing with pain, Healing, Pain, permission, Rhythm Village, Sue Sutherland, The Feel Institute, united kingdomby Eliza Bouwens, United Kingdom
TAGS: 5Rhythms, art, art in motion, children, children's books, creativity, Eliza Bowens, fairytale, gabrielle roth, Healing, Kids, movement, moving fairytale, Once upon a time, Open floor, therapy, united kingdomby Xoli Fuyani, South Africa Lockdown One of my favourite Rhythms is Lyrical. As I grew deeper in my dance, I came to realise that my love of Lyrical was …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5rhythms reach out, body parts, capetown, children, gabrielle roth, Healing, learning english, lockdown, Lyrical, movement, movement medicine, south africa, therapy, townships, war, xoli Fuyaniby Julia Mercurio – Budapest, Hungary A couple of years ago, I was in a relationship. It was about the time that I started dancing that we started breaking up. …
TAGS: 5Rhythms tribe, art for healing, Budapest, dance movement therapy, dance therapy, dancing grief, death, emotion, grief, Healing, heartbeat5, julia mercurio, movement medicine, One Tribe, Open floor, Rhythms, soul motion