
5Rhythms Class

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Weekly Waves: A Virtual Embodied Movement Experience with Sayrah

Led by: Sayrah Garrison
Fridays 10:00 am - 11:00 amNext Class: 14 Mar 2025
Location: Online
Mendham, New Jersey, United States Show map
Organizer: Sayrah Garrison

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This is a weekly, virtual class offered through ZOOM.

When: Weekly on Fridays, beginning January 3, 2024

Time: 10:00AM-11:00AM EST

Join accredited 5Rhythms® teacher, Sayrah Garrison, for a weekly dose of self care and embodied healing through conscious dance and community connection! This is a virtual class that will enable participants to commit to a weekly dance practice from the comfort of their own home. Regular attendance is encouraged to foster a dedicated self care practice and to nurture a supportive community. 

** Please note, there is an opportunity to move together in person during our monthly Sweat Your Prayers® classes held in Brookside, NJ.  

The 5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement practice designed to get you out of your head and into your body. It is rooted in the principle that if you put the psyche in motion, it will heal itself. 

The 5Rhythms are Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. These rhythms come together to create a wave, which take shape in the form of djayed music. There are usually 2 waves in each class. The first wave is a warm up, during which you are encouraged to gently let go of your day and drop into your body. After the first Wave, we will have a brief check in and then Sayrah will invite you to consider a theme to explore during the second Wave. 

The music is designed to help you warm up slowly in Flowing and Staccato. In Chaos, we reach a peak as we let go of what doesn’t serve us, then in Lyrical and Stillness we mindfully settle down and integrate what we have embodied on our collective journey. 


Investment: We offer a tiered pricing structure to help accommodate different financial situations while promoting accessibility for all participants. If you still need assistance in order to attend, please don't hesitate to reach out to Sayrah to discuss other options. 

Supporter: $35 ~ For those who can afford to pay more and want to support the community, ensuring this class remains accessible for others.

Standard: $30 ~ The standard price for participants who can comfortably pay the usual rate.

Supported: $25 ~ For those who need a more affordable option due to financial constraints or live on a fixed income.

Please pay via venmo and note “Weekly Waves” and the date of your attendance in your payment comments.

Register + submit payment via URL listed above or click here: https://www.sayrahgarrison.com/events/weekly-waves

Refund Policy

 No refunds, no transfers.

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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