& Yoga Nidra Meditation
7 - 9.30 pm Thurs 20th March
To mark & honour the balance of light & dark
Nourishing through our roots,
Engaging our life force:sap as it rises
tending to our vulnerable shoots
as we reach toward the light
Cost: sliding scale according to means
£30 - Abundance for those with the resource
(This ticket enables us to offer reduced & concession places)
£25 - Full price for those in full time work and/or with other comfortable income
£20 - Reduced for those on a reduced income
£15 Concession for those not in work and/or on benefits
To book your place:
Email Emmalene: emmalenekatayama@gmail.com
& make payment to:
Ms E K Katayama 40-17-27 11128701
Please use ref: SPRING + name
You will be sent a confirmation email upon booking & payment,
& the zoom link will be sent on March 19th.
IMPORTANT: Bookings will close 24 hours before the event
so please make sure you pre-book in good time.