
5Rhythms Class

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Thursdays 07:30 pm - 09:00 pm
23 Jan 2025 - 10 Apr 2025
Location: Holywood Steiner School, Croft Road, 34 Croft Road, Holywood, County Down, BT18 0PR
Holywood, Belfast, County Down, Ireland Show map
Organizer: Chris Weedall

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FLOW - the rhythms of the EARTH, supports us to find our , we give our weight to the earth and rest into gravity, balance, unravelling , stretching, opening and contacting with the pulse of life. Flow is about turninmg our attention back inside, and listening to our body, our impulses. We reinvigorate our body with the second Rhythm of STACCATO  - the rhythm of FIRE, this rhythms gives us direction CHAOS - the rhythm of WATER which helps us release, loosen & shake-off those old skins, shaking-out any old dead wood, we make space for the present moment and surrender to now, taking us into the fourth Rhythm of LYRICAL - the rhythm of AIR, this rhythm brings spaciousness, freshness, circulation, room to manoeuvre, lightness, here we free-up & lighten-up, allowing play & imagination to lift our spirits, bringing inspiration. We complete our cycle with the fifth, final Rhythm of STILLNESS- the rhythm of ETHER, here we empty-out into the liminal space, the expanse, where we can feel timeless and unbound, dancing with the invisible, here we can dance our dreams, intentions, release old imprints, drop-into that magical Zen zone. Completing the cycle with resting in stillness, feeling both grounded yet expansive. 

Through regular practice of the 5Rhythms we find we flow with life more readily & can find our own pace & ground, we start to shape clearer boundaries as we feel our passion & direction in staccato, we move with life’s chaos more fluidly and surrender to it, without getting knocked-off balance, we can take ourselves a bit more lightly with lyrical, to reconnect with our joy, fun and creativity whilst we rest & trust more into the expanse & mystery of stillness - underlying it all.


🙏🏼🍄🍁✨⭐ Investment - *£150 Offer for Full-term ( usually £165 ) 

OR £15 drop-in. (£10 low wage)

**To book the Term or a Drop-in Class: Whatsapp or call Christine directly .

To make payment: PayPal: or if you prefer Christine can send on bank details? 

Please bring a water bottle to class, wear comfortable clothes to move in, please dance barefoot, and please do not consume any alcohol before class. All classes are a drug free, alcohol free space. THANKYOU!

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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