
5Rhythms Workshop

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Transformation - An Ongoing Group

Led by: Andrew Holmes
10 Nov 2018
Location: Medway Centre, New Street, Bakewell DE45 1GT
Bakewell, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Katharine Cable


Transformation ~ Moving beyond our familiar patterns

We all have our difficulties - things, people, circumstances we find it harder to keep company..
Perhaps you’ve lived long enough to realise that these are your difficulties - not someone else’s doing, or persistent bad luck.. 

So then the question is: what are we going to do about it? 

We can try to manage our situation, the people we spend time with, even ourselves, in an effort to avoid what’s uncomfortable.
We can look for ways to console ourselves, and make things more bearable.
Or finally we can choose to attend to the roots of the thing - the patterns that trouble us, the things we do to cause ripples in the water, the self-inflicted discomfort that keeps us from living more fully and free. 

On this journey, we’ll bring an embodied awareness to the patterns of our wounded selves. We’ll find the courage and the persistence to go to the heart of what’s difficult, and see if we can’t shift the whole basis of our relationship with what we find.  

We’ll dance with kindness and with honesty in search of the release of lasting transformation. And welcome the peace that such a shift would bring. 

This Ongoing Group will meet six times over six weekends, beginning in November and ending in April 2019. 

Each time we meet we will focus on the different ways we complicate life. We’ll dance the 5 rhythms in search of a more spacious relationship to the patterns that trouble us, and to shift fundamentally our perspective on the way we inhabit our lives. The work will be challenging, but potentially life-changing. 

Dancing at a deep level through the year with the same group of companions is both powerful and healing. There is space for trust and friendship to grow, and challenge to be real and true. We will have time for words to share our process, for witnessing, and for individual support; and lots and lots of time to dance.  

Between meetings there will be space to integrate and practice what we have learnt, as we walk the changes we make back out into the world.  

Six months of dance, transformation, friendship, and support ~ a chance truly to renew ourselves, with kindness, discipline, and joy! 


Sat 10th & Sun 11th November
Sat 8th & Sun 9th December
Sat 5th & Sun 6th January
Sat 16th & Sun 17th February
Sat 23rd & Sun 24th March
Sat 27th & Sun 28th April

The Medway Centre, Bakewell, Derbyshire
Saturdays 11am - Sundays 6pm
Time to eat and talk together on Saturday nights 

Cost: £595 (£545 low income, £495 unwaged)
There is a £50 reduction, if you book by July 31st
Payment: In three equal instalments - payable at the time of booking, on Nov 10th, and on Jan 5th 

To book: please send a cheque (payable to 'A.Holmes') for one third of the course fee to Katharine Cable, 42 Highfield Avenue, Brundall, Norwich, NR13 5NT, or be in touch to arrange a bank transfer 

Any Questions ~ please ring Katharine on (07961) 565642 or e-mail katharine@katharinecable.co.uk 

This group is for experienced 5 Rhythms dancers.
Please speak to us if you’re unsure whether it’s right for you.

“I love the powerful, safe, wise container you create, in which we can dive deep, heal ourselves, and liberate our souls.”
“The depth, delicacy, and power of your teaching is stunning.” 

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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