
5Rhythms Workshop

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Led by: Silvija Tomcik
12 Jun 2016
Location: Presidio Performing Arts Center, 386 Moraga Ave (at Arguello Blvd) Presidio
San Francisco, California, United States Show map
Organizer: Vehllia Tranne


Chaos. The rhythm of absolute surrender and a deep letting go. The dance happens without us controlling it.  We release and shake everything that we hold on to, everything that burdens us and we celebrate the no mind state. We will dance each of the 5 Rhythms from the Chaos's side, practising to soften at the point when we are ready to let go, to surrender, to blossom, to disappear. Chaos is the marriage of the masculine and feminine. The surrendering of the lovers. Here we practice being awake, centered in the midst of a storm and identities falling apart. We give ourselves to the wildness of a dance that can never be planned or repeated.


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