Where do you come from? Where do you go?
We take these questions through Waves of 5Rhythms with an empasis will on flowing and lyrical. Beside dance we use Systemic Ritual®; to have have a gentle look in the field of our ancestors.
Flowing calls us home in our bodies. It teaches us about continuum, ongoing movements coming from the feet, in connection with the path we go. It makes us aware of our gravity and connects us with the ancient wisdom of the earth. Touching ground. The dance of your roots. Where do you come from? What wisdom does your body carry? What movements & information is speaking through you that also spoke through your ancestors?
Lyrical breathes in the element air. It comes in and out through your arms and fingers, it is light, playful, adventurous and it whispers about magic & soul. Unfold your Wings! Let them grow from your shoulderblades, expanding all the way through your arms into your fingertips. Reaching further then the physical boundary, beyond the visible. Touching air, sky. Opening the space in front of you. Where do you go? Let your dreams and visions take you on a lifelong dance.