A wonderful moment to do some wrapping up and unfolding, to bring balance into our dances… When we put our center of attention on balancing, we can sense, weigh and feel in our bodies where we have been, where we have been in balance and where we were thrown off, where we have been fully living and where we were just hanging in, where we were more than okay and where we were keeping feet just standing on the tip of our toes. Exploring while we move and weigh we'll come to center, we'll dance with where we are now and what we need for where we are heading for…
Moving, dancing, sharing; going up and down, back and forward, from one side to another, inward outward; exploring and playing with balance in our bodies helps us leaving behind what has gone and entering what will be…
Centered and rooted we'll experience the power of balance, the moment of now, the still point… open to whatever will be…
Welcome to share your breath, your dance, your laughs, your heart, your soul and your inspiration; we will celebrate this completion of 2024 as a community, creatively moving together towards the New Year…
Dancing on the Edge is the first of a Trilogy:
A. Dancing on the Edge, 30 December 2024, 10-17.00 uur
C. Jumping into the New, 1 januari 2025, 14-16.30 uur