So often we ignore, discount, or override
the messages from our ‘gut’- our wisdom, our internal knowing.
Instead, many of us live in our heads:
polite and obliging, freezing and resisting the pipeline to our inner truth
and at risk for confusion, frustration and, even, danger.
Attending to our instincts - the intuition of our body - takes skill and practice.
Listening to our body intelligence can:
save us,
and move us toward opportunity,
freedom, possibility and transformation.
I invite you to join me in this weekend workshop
to listen to the simple and clear, deep wisdom within us.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to explore their own inner wisdom, no experience required. The movement tools, techniques and inspiration you learn here can be immediately applied to daily life. Designed for adults of every age and ability.
Anne Marie has a fierce commitment to truth seeking and a passion for creating workshops that mix the practical with the wildly creative. She is known for her no-nonsense speaking combined with a relentless sense of humour, compassion and courage. Anne Marie is a DJ, a registered therapist, and studied and trained with 5Rhythms® founder Gabrielle Roth. She has been teaching movement for two decades and is accredited to teach both Wave and Heartbeat maps of the 5Rhythms practice. She lives in Victoria, Canada and teaches at home and internationally.
" I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors and that’s why I love you" Cindy Lauper
Was bewegt sich hinter unserer Alltagstauglichkeit? Sind wir in Kontakt mit unseren inneren Befindlichkeiten und Bedürfnissen? Wieviel Risiko gehen wir ein, uns selbst authentisch zu zeigen – abseits der eigenen Schokoladenseite? Wieviel lebendiger und bunter könnte uns das machen? Und wieviel ehrlicher, echter und intimer wären unsere Begegnungen mit der Welt?
Es braucht Vertrauen und viel Mut, die Komfortzone unserer „sicheren“ Verhaltensmuster zu durchbrechen, unser inneres Farbenspektrum zu erweitern und es nach außen strahlen zu lassen.
Dieser Workshop stärkt Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstkontakt und unterstützt uns darin, unserer eigenen Buntheit und auch den „schwierigen Anteilen“ mit Wohlwollen zu begegnen. Wir beleuchten alte Schutzmuster, bewegen uns dahinter und üben mit neugieriger Risikofreude, uns mehr zu zeigen und „zuzu-MUT-en“ im positiven Sinne.
What is going on behind our everyday fitting-in? Are we in touch with our inner feelings and needs? How much risk do we take to show ourselves authentically - away from our best side? How much more lively and colorful could that make us? And how much more honest, genuine and intimate would our encounters with the world be?
It takes confidence and a lot of courage to break through the comfort zone of our “safe” behavior patterns, to expand our inner color spectrum and let it shine through.
This workshop strengthens self-awareness and self-contact and supports us in meeting our own colorfulness and also the “difficult parts” with goodwill. We shed light on old protective patterns, move beyond them and practise showing ourselves more with a curious willingness to take risks.
No prior knowledge is required to participate.
Teaching language is German with English Translation when needed.