"Swaying with the bleeding pulse offered by a faint drum, I discovered wings tightly tucked inside my heart. Spreading the delicate fabric, I lifted off, soared, fell, and courageously, I danced again, inspired by the tides of connection."
Rocky Mountains Teacher Community
Teresa Simmons
In my youth I fell deeply in love while dancing with the sacred rhythms and I imagined becoming a muse, the fairy godmother, or perhaps even a dragonfly. Time took me away from a fantasy only to lead me directly back to where I started, the reality of living my dream. I write, sing, and dance with a prayer that we may find ecstasy amidst the challenges of simply being. It is through sharing the 5 Rhythms Sweat that my journey leads me closer to those seeking the same. Nestled near the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park, I create space for movement of mind, body, and spirit. Let's Dance!