BELONGING is precious.
A heart felt sense we all desire that occurs naturally when we allow fluidity with our emotions.
After an adventful childhood, touched by both light and shadow, I was eager for success in the material world. At the same time I froze my emotional growth through addiction to alcohol and then cocaine. I became utterly separated from my body. The source of my be-longing.
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5RTA, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Heartbeat, Jason Rowe, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Medicine Dance, meditation, Movement Teacher Training, moving meditation, Open floor, shamanic dance, Staccato, The Moving Center, the moving center school, Waves, Willemjin De Dreufirst printed in WNC Woman magazine WNC Woman December 27, 2015 | By Barbara Marlowe | I would love to meet a woman who has never had ambivalence about her …
TAGS: 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5RTA, Barbara Marlowe, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Gestalt Therapy, jonathan horan, Maps to Ecstasy, Movement Teacher Training, moving meditation, Open floor, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, Teacher Training, The Moving Center, the moving center school, Waves, WNC Woman MagazineIt is with great honor we release these beautiful teachings out into the world to begin their 5Rhythms Waves Teacher Training Practice Classes. Our Teachers-in-Training are halfway through their training …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5RTA, Anna Gayle, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance therapy, Esalen, Flowing, gabrielle roth, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Maps to Ecstasy, Movement Teacher Training, Open floor, Silvija Tomcik, Staccato, Stillness, Tammy Burstein, The Moving Center, the moving center schoolI have had Amber Ryan’s “Examine Stillness” workshop on my calendar for over a year. When I first spotted the date on Amber’s calendar, I emailed her, thinking it was …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, Chaos, Conscious Dance, Cycles, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Gestalt Therapy, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Maps to Ecstasy, Medicine Dance, Meghan LeBorious, moving meditation, New York City, Notes On Practice, ritual theater, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, Tribal Mirrors, WavesCommunity Art. A collaborative project gathering inspiration from our worldwide 5Rhythms tribe. You can follow our art museum and archive on Instagram here! Community Musings. …
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythm Teacher Association, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5RTA, Anna Gayle, Chaos, Conscious Dance, Cycles, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Gestalt Therapy, God Sex and the Body, Heartbeat, instagram, jonathan horan, Lyrical, Maps to Ecstasy, martha peabody walker, meditation, Meghan LeBorious, Michael Julian Berz, Movement Teacher Training, moving meditation, New York City, Notes On Practice, Open floor, Raven, Raven Recordings, ritual theater, Rosalie Kubny, shamanic dance, Staccato, Stillness, sweat your prayers, Teacher Training, The Moving Center, the moving center school, Warren Summers, Waves