by Karen Chapman, North Carolina, USA ‘I have decided to stick with love; hate is too great a burden to bear’. This is the quote from Martin Luther King Junior …
TAGS: art, asheville, barriers, deconstruct, Karen Chapman, Mary Lounsbury, meditation, moving art, north carolina, One Tribe, paradigm29 years ago I arrived on a 5Rhythms dance floor with a background in a handful of ballet, my arms & legs full of sports & my whole body full of African & Contemporary dance. I was familiar with improvising movement but not in connection with my emotions. It was the rhythm of Chaos that opened my heart & allowed me to release the shackles of the emotional straight jacket I was living in.
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5rhythms teacher training, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, angela griffiths, art, ballet, balleter, contact improv, contemporary dance, dance, emotions, england, feet, finland, gabrielle roth, helsinki, improvisation, Jason Rowe, life, london, meditation, movement medicine, Open floor, ritual waves, soul motino, sports, susannah darling, yaakov darling khanBy Morag Donnelly, United Kingdom The altar: the poem on the wall with red threads of chysallis Close up of the altar Goose feathers from the drawing class Morag runs, …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, Altar, art, dancing, meditation, morag Donnelly, movement medicine, One Tribe, Open floor, phoenix, poetry in motion, therapy, united kingdomby Eliza Bouwens, United Kingdom
TAGS: 5Rhythms, art, art in motion, children, children's books, creativity, Eliza Bowens, fairytale, gabrielle roth, Healing, Kids, movement, moving fairytale, Once upon a time, Open floor, therapy, united kingdomby Alex Rodriguez, New Zealand I was invited to talk about 5Rhythms as part of a Pecha Kucha series of talks connected to an art exhibition and ongoing project by …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, alex rodriguez, art, Chaos, Flowing, freedom, gabrielle roth, jonathan horan, Lyrical, meditation, movement, movement medicine, new zealand, Open floor, pecha kucha, presentation, soul motion, Staccato, Stillnessby Tess Howell, United Kingdom Ideally, as dancers the altar can alter our experience on the dancefloor. An altar/installation can provide us with a place to spend a moment reflecting …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, Altar, art, art metaphor, dance, installation, martha peabody walker, Refuge, Tess Howell