by Sue Sutherland, United Kingdom | Chronic pain sufferer, dancer, listener, truthsayer, tree hugger, skyclad howler, probably a witch and definitely a lover In the last couple of days, …
by Laura Branco, Ohio, USA In one of our sessions during Teacher’s Training, Jonathan talked about pain in the system. He announced to the attentive TIT novices: “It’s not a …
Living in a foreign country for several years now I keep learning to listen, to feel a little more in order to find my own roots and to let them anchor in this land of Croatia which I get to know better and better. Find my solid base and move with it.
They have become my navigation map. My GPS to go through all the challenges of being alive. This decade has been full on for me, changes, losses, ups, downs, contractions and expansions. Figuring out who I am and what I´m doing here, taking in so much
I come from the Dominican Republic, where we are born dancing, and dancing is at the core of our everyday life. And I have been practicing various forms of Conscious Movement for the last seven years. However, 5