I grew up in Mexico in a family where gatherings were attended by dozens of people. Being in a crowd is a comfortable place; in my culture, people touch, hug, and connect intimately easily. In fact, it’s expected that everyone should. I moved to the USA as a teenager and remember how my body experienced a culture where personal space was more defined; where people didn’t shake hands or greet with a kiss. I recall censoring my impulse to connect physically in order to belong. I also lived in Europe where these two extremes seemed to find a middle ground.
TAGS: 5 rhythms, 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms OneTribe, 5Rhythms Teacher Association, 5Rhythms Teachers Association, 5RTA, Chaos, Conscious Dance, dance movement therapy, ecstatic dance, Esalen, five rhythms, gabrielle roth, Mati Vargas, moving meditation, relationship, Sonja Hellman, The Moving Center
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For me, every one of us is actually a fruit of Chaos’s creativity, a unique union of opposites. When we resist Chaos, this natural phenomenon, and when we stubbornly try to control it, we can end up destroying ourselves and those around us or driving both us and them mad. Chaos demands that we completely surrender to it, that we throw in its powerful alchemist process all that we carry on our backs, shoulders, in our hearts and hips, all that we cling to and hold so tigh
TAGS: 5Rhythms, Bettina Rothe, Canada, Chaos, croatia, Empowered5, Esalen, gabrielle roth, huxley, Leadership, meditation, Silvija Tomcik, spain, Surrender
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5Rhythms Tribe | September 2019 edition
HUMAN BEING PROJECT by Lina Nahhas, United Arab Emirates and Adi Ronen Argov, Israel
OUR OWN BEST HEALERS by Christopher Boylan, United Kingdom
GIRLCIRCLE by Hannah Loewenthal, Capetown, South Africa
LOVE LETTERS TO A RAVEN by Lorca Simons, Texas USA + United Kingdom
RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT UCLA researchers invite you to participate in a historic study of conscious dance practices!
Raven Recording | NEW SINGLE! Sofia Ansell
Co-curated by Morgan Khalsa & Morgan Rae
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5rhythms reach out, Gabrielle, Healing, meditation, One Tribe, stories, tribe
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“Put the body in motion and the psyche will heal itself”. – Gabrielle Roth By Chris Boylan, Yorkshire, U.K. I’m startled, surprised, delighted. Alan has run across the dance floor, …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, children, Chilli Bon Bon, Chris Boylan, england, Healing, kids healing, meditation5, One Tribe, sexual abuse
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by Lorca Simons, Texas, USA and United Kingdom Photo Credits: Show shots Loli Kantor Set up shots: John Carlisle Moore “When you’re out on the ocean and you are traveling …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5rhythms reach out, 5rhythms teachers assocation, 5rro, gabrielle roth, Hip Pocket Theater, Johnny Simons, Lake Simons, Lorca Simons, Raven, ritual, ritual art, ritual theater, texas
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by Karen Chapman, North Carolina, USA ‘I have decided to stick with love; hate is too great a burden to bear’. This is the quote from Martin Luther King Junior …
TAGS: art, asheville, barriers, deconstruct, Karen Chapman, Mary Lounsbury, meditation, moving art, north carolina, One Tribe, paradigm
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