5RTA | May 2017 Teacher Spotlight
May 5, 2017Leave a reply
Home is where the rhythm is — whether alone in your living room, on the beach, in the woods, walking down a busy street or stepping onto a 5Rhythms dance floor in community — the rhythms are a map to lead you back home to your truest self, a route to your roots.
TAGS: #internationaldanceday, 5Rhythms, Chaos, Flowing, Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors, jhoom, lyrical stillness, Morgan Rae, on the other side of here, raven recording, Staccato, sweat spaceholderApril 2017 Musings + Art + Happenings from our Tribal Individuals The 5Rhythms practice | A lens for life Finding the Light of Hope: The Possibility of 5Rhythms by Tamaki …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms tribe, american dream, black rock city, burning man, Chaos, children, Community is the next Buddha, dance movement therapy, dance parade, daughter, developmental disorders, drawing with kids, Flowing, gabrielle roth, Granada, Hannah lowenthal, Healing, hege gabrielsen, instagram, Installations, Japan, kierra foster-ba, lyricals, mackenzie amara, Mark Bonder, Michaela Klimanová- Trizuljaková, movement medicine, New York City, norway, nyc, NYC dance parade, One Tribe, Open floor, Oscar Iborra, Pray Body, raven recording, rhythmwave, rhythmwaver, ritual theater, Slovakia, south africa, spain, Staccato, Stillness, stillness art, Tamaki Okuda, The Moving Center NY, the moving center school, the moving centert, Tiny Terror Productionsby Tamaki Okuda, Japan Tamaki is a dancer in Japan who has 4 children, 2 of whom have developmental disorders. Before becoming a mother, Tamaki worked for 15 years as …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms Children, 5rhythms reach out, 5rro, Development Disability, Japan, masayo benoist, May, rhythms are everywhere, TamakiBy The Body Draws Circles is an ongoing artistic collaboration between Hannah Loewenthal (South Africa ) and Hege Gabrielsen (Norway). We seek to use the movement map of the 5Rhythms® …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, 5Rhythms theater, art for healing, daughter, Hannah lowenthal, hege gabrielsen, Movement Meditation, Open floor, relationships, ritual theaterby Oscar Iborra, SpaceHolder in Granada (Spain) At first, in my 5Rhythms Sweats, I never paid much attention to the altar. In fact, my relationship with altars and installations has …
TAGS: 5Rhythms, Altar, art as healing, family, Granada, Installations, moving meditation, Oscar Iborra, son, spain, sweat spaceholder