
5Rhythms Workshop

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Intimate Pathways - 5Rhythms & Lifesensing workshop

Led by: Nikki Ashley
26 Jul 2024 - 27 Jul 2024
Location: Theatre , Chestnut Grove School Boundaries Road entrance Balham SW12 8JZ
London, United Kingdom Show map

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 I n t i m a t e || P a t h w a y s 

5Rhythms & L i f e s e n s i n g Workshop

A 2-day workshop with Nikki Ashley & Morag Donnelly

The art of dancing toward the intimate

Meeting ourselves in the intimacy of the dance space, meeting others one to one, and meeting the whole group can open us to deeper connection. It can also, perhaps, stifle our spontaneity & freedom of expression. We are responding to the call and deeply felt need of fellow dancers to explore this inspiring, crucial and always present theme.

Offering new ways to encounter ourselves & others through shared reflective conversation & simple intuitive touch based drawing exercises. Together with immersing ourselves in the map of 5Rhythms. Each rhythm connecting us to a quality of the movements of intimacy; Flowing grounds our sensuality, Staccato clarifies our boundaries, Chaos breaks open our raw and wild nature, Lyrical liberates our playfulness and in Stillness we are met by the quiet grace of our presence.

A laboratory space to draw, dance and play - to find out who else and what else is being experienced in these dance floor connections

What do we give our permission to?

Is our sensuality welcome?

Can we dance with attraction?

Are we welcome when we need distance?

Will our ‘no’ be as encouraged as our ‘yes’?

…. & the many more enquiries that open up when we workshop in a mutually supportive and safe space.

A space where you will always be encouraged to go at your own pace and ability. To experience renewal & connection to your authenticity, a stronger sense of presence and availability to yourself and others - giving you more prepared ground for navigating authentic relating on and off the dance floor.

Come join us for this rich enquiry.

date: Fri 26 -Sat 27 July 

times: 10.30 - 5.30pm 11.00 - 5.00pm 

cost: £175 abundance £155 full £135 concs

to book click here

venue: Theatre, Chestnut Grove Academy, Balham, London 

contact: welcome@unbound movingarts.com 


No prior experience in making art is needed, it is recommended you have at least a beginners moving knowledge of the 5Rhythms waves map.


Nikki has been teaching 5Rhythms for a decade and has been dancing & studying the maps for almost 20 years. She is highly experienced in leading groups of all ages and abilities, and is one of our leading facilitators in our reach out projects for older people and those with mental health issues. Coming from a background in theatre,  both commercial and educational, she utilises her skills in facilitating groups to create a strong and safe container for in-depth embodied work.

find out more about Nikki here

Morag carries an intuitive responsiveness and a strong fascination with the inherent relationship of all things. An artist and creator/ facilitator of Lifeline arts & life sensing embodied movement & drawing practices, an immersive course designed to unfold participants understanding of drawing as a means of sensory exploration and freedom of expression that deepens our intimacy with life. Her inspirational approach is grounded in training of psycho-somatic sexual studies, bodywork and a lifelong practice of dance. Morag brings over 20years experience of leading groups and 1-1 work offering space for courage and vulnerability. find out more about Morag here

Refund Policy

Refunds are offered up to 48hrs before the workshop (with a £2.50 admin fee per ticket)

Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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