
5Rhythms Teachers

"A dance of freedom and love for all creation"
Netherlands Teacher Community
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Rimke Pepers

Certified 5Rhythms Teacher
I was touched reading Maps to Ecstasy when I was around twenty. So it took me twenty years after reading that book that I put my first step on a 5Rhythms dance floor. And it felt like coming home; home in this life, home with other people, home with myself. 5Rhythms to me are a way of life…to be totally free and connected at the same time. A map to discover..explore..deepen..play and move. Let’s dance! 

Dance to awaken the wisdom of our body, to follow our heart, to quiet our mind, to enjoy our life and to be free!By moving our bodies we bring outside what’s living inside based on the 5Rhythms flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. These Rhythms together create a Wave, which moves in a universal pattern. The 5Rhythms truly saved my life. I strongly believe in the wisdom of our bodies and to move is to heal. 

“When we put our psyche into motion it will heal itself” and “the fastest way to still the mind is to move the body” (Gabrielle Roth). And it’s a celebration too!

Maps: Waves, Heartbeat
Location: Hoorn, Netherlands
Dancing since: 2009 Teaching since: 2014
Languages: Dutch, English

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Hoorn, Netherlands
Hoorn, Netherlands


2 Mar 2025
Hoorn, Netherlands
14 Mar 2025 - 16 Mar 2025
Roodeschool, Netherlands
16 Jul 2025 - 20 Jul 2025
Roodeschool, Netherlands
19 Dec 2025 - 21 Dec 2025
Roodeschool, Netherlands
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