Time for dancing in Roskilde - wellcome to this class. We are dancing every second Wednesday. The 2025 spring season started January the 8th and will end June 11th. The 2025 autumn season will start August 20th and end December the 10th. The class will continuo in 2026, unless something happens. (No dance in Easter: April 16th)
All (adults) are very welcome, all can dance - each dancing our own dance. We can all inspire each other to movement and presence, no matter who you are and what you bring to the dance floor. Dance your joyful dance and move your dance of sorrow. Move the body and re-create space to the one you are deep inside. Always a journey into known and unknown paths to freedom in your body, heart and life.
The 5Rhythms is a simple and yet deep dance praxis. The dance grows from inside and develop your expression, your creativity, your awareness and your healing.
We’ll dance through the 5rhythms: flow/the power of being, staccato/ the power of loving, kaos/ the power of knowing, lyrisk/ the power of seeing og stilhed/ the power of healing.
The dance is your expression; there is no right and no wrong dance, only the dance itself, as it unfold through you. The rhythms are the structure, which allow you to find new forms and paths in the dance.
Just come and pay on the door with MobilePay or in cash. We have a big venue with lots of space.
You are wellcome from 6.45 PM. We start on time 7PM, så please be on time.
5Rhythms teacher: Birgitte Rasmussen, certified by Gabrielle Roth, 2008, and a 5Rhythms dancer since 1997.
Price: 150 Danish Crowns or 130 Danish Crowns if you are unemployed, on pension or full time student. You can pay with PayPal if you do not have Danish cash. You cannot pay with €.
Remember water bottle and clothes in layers, we dance in bare feet (no socks) or dance shoes.