
5Rhythms Workshop

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Soul to Soul

Led by: Bettina Rothe
26 Sep 2015 - 27 Sep 2015
Location: Dovercourt House Ballroom, 805 Dovercourt Rd.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Organizer: Layah Jane


Our soul, our true self, is the most mysterious essential, and magical dimension of our being.” -- Gabrielle Roth The 5Rhythms movement practice offers maps for healing and a pathway to our innermost being. They lead our being from fragmentation into wholeness. The sacred task of this transformative body of work is to come home into our earthy bodies, express and open our hearts and to empty the mind, so that we can tap into our intuition and creativity. When body, heart and mind are in alignment, we move through life from a deeper place within us- from SOUL. Freeing the soul involves living out the aspects of our authentic Self, of what it means to be human: the role of the dancer, the singer, the poet, the actor and the healer. In this workshop we will explore the teachings of LYRICAL and dive deeply into the landscape of the soul. Each soul is unique, and we are called upon to discover and offer our own magic, gifts and power. What would it be like to come together to let those qualities creatively interplay with oneself, each other and the world? Where do we see ourselves in the bigger web of life? What are we ready to contribute to the global dance? Lyrical lifts us beyond personality and into the embodiment of our souls. The 5Rhythms, mindfulness and embodiment practices set the frame work for the weekend.


Previous 5Rhythms experience is recommended.


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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