
5Rhythms Workshop

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Sap Rising

Led by: Neda Nenadic
23 Mar 2025
Location: The dance Station, The Dance Station Unit 4, 57 North Street Portslade Brighton BN41 1DH
Brighton, United Kingdom Show map
Organizer: Neda Nenadic

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 Sap Rising

5Rhythms® Spring Equinox  Dance of Renewal

"Rise like sap in spring, steadily, patiently,

drawing strength from deep within.

As the Earth stirs from her winter rest, so too do we. 

This is a time of awakening, of deep nourishment before expansion, 

of honoring the wisdom nature offers so effortlessly moving from source, replenishing from within, 

and trusting in renewal.

On this day we will dance with the intelligence of the seasons, 

embodying the rhythm of the sap as it rises through the trees,

first feeding the core, 

then reaching toward the light. 

Before branches stretch outward, before blossoms burst into color, 

the tree nourishes itself, 

drawing from deep roots, 

pulsing life through its limbs with patience and trust. 

This is our invitation: 

to listen deeply, 

through 5Rhythms® maps 

to tend to our own inner flow, 

to move with what is present before extending outward into the world.

Through two spacious 5Rhythms® waves, we will give ourselves 

the time to arrive fully,

allowing stillness to melt into flow, honoring what is alive within us.

With each breath, 

each step, 

we will awaken gently, 

attuning to the natural rhythm of emergence.

This is a dance of renewal. 

A dance of remembering how to resource ourselves. 

A dance of trust. 

As the Earth begins again, so do we.

"As the sap rises in the trees, so too does the spirit rise in those who &are nourished by the Earth's wisdom.


The Dance Station

Unit 4, 57

North Street 


Brighton BN41 1DH 

Times: 10:00-14:00

I offer sliding scale ratebased on what you can afford: 

£45, £40 & £35


 Please bring a blanket, a small pillow, a notebook and a lunch to share.

 We will provide teas and healthy snacks.

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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